
Emerging out of mental slavery for the nation is a difficult task. However, with the support from like-minded people, outreach, and education, we can make the #nosirnomadam culture a reality in India.  
Based on brainstorming and outreach to global change leaders, the following should be implemented:

A Top-to-Bottom Approach


The execution should start from the top-level within the organization. 

For example, if the President, Prime Minister, CEO, supervisor, etc implement the #nosirnomadam culture by respecting each individual, others will gracefully accept and follow.

Changes to Education System

The habit of chanting Sir/Madam in each sentence is generally developed during the school days.

Therefore, Indians ought to have dynamic reforms in their education system, so that any student can address his/her instructor by the first or the last name (Mr./Ms.). 


At present, in a few educational institutions in India (IITs, and IIMs), the faculty encourages students to be more professional and address them by either first or last name.  

Awareness, Adoption, and Outreach


Most Indians do not know that there is no need to address government officials as Sir/Madam.  After the cause started, an individual in Gujarat filed a right to information (RTI) regarding the Sir/Madam mandate in public institutions. 

A reply to RTI – there is no such rule that forces Indians to address the government officials as Sir/Madam. 

Once the citizens are aware, they will adopt #nosirnomadam.  Thereafter, they should educate and outreach others to have a countrywide implementation.