Khushboo Mishra, the founder of BlingVilla is a fervent follower of No Sir No Madam practice. BlingVilla aims to help women find their fab...
Saurabh Singh, Founder of the IMA Appweb fervently follows the No Sir No Madam ideology. IMA Appweb is an online marketing agency in Delhi that...
Akshay Agrawal: My Teenage Stories of How I Achieved More By Disrespecting “Sirs” and “Madams”
“Hello? Yes, is this Mr. Saurabh?” “Yes” “Hi Saurabh Bhaiya, I’m looking for a full stack web developer …”*hangs up* This was a typical conversation...
Yogesh Arora, Co-Founder of AltF Coworking firmly supports No Sir No Madam culture. AltF Coworking is a platform to help start-ups and freelancers...
Vivek Goyal, Co-Founder of Play Shifu has recently become a firm upholder of No Sir No Madam culture. Play Shifu is an augmented reality...
Deep Bajaj, an Australian National University Alumnus: Be a Part and Welcome this Companionable Change
Deep Bajaj, the founder of India’s First Female Urination Device — PeeBuddy , wholeheartedly seconds No Sir No Madam crusade. PeeBuddy is an...
Preeti Mittal, Founder of Bluebit Systems realizes the need for the No Sir No Madam movement in India. Bluebit Systems endeavors to provide their...
Supriya Saboo, Director, Masterstrokes Advertising Pvt. Ltd, ardently upholds No Sir No Madam ideology. Masterstrokes Advertising assists their...