Deep Malhotra, Co-founder of BECK Technology Ventures Pvt. Ltd, a traveler powered delivery network and Founder of Gemini Group which is into technology, new media, and real estate businesses ardently seconds the No Sir No Madam cause.  Deep has pursued MBA in Advertising and Communication from Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM).

He started his career at the age of twenty with his online creative platform during his college days.  Soon after, Deep ventured into the corporate world, with and then joining the founding team of Google India.  He even worked for Fox Interactive Media (a News Corp Venture) as the Senior Director for India and South-East Asia.

Deep — follows the No Sir No Madam culture at his workplace.  He was accustomed to it in the corporate sector.  Deep asserts that the while working with multi-national companies like Google, he witnessed a flat power work structure.  The company inculcated the idea of mutual respect within the members of the team.

Deep shares “When I joined the corporate world, my first boss at Mr. Tarun Sobhani currently CEO of Single Interface had been a great mentor and friend till date.  This automatically made me comfortable in my workplace.”  In such an environment, free flowing opinions and communication will result in positive productivity.  Juniors will no longer be afraid to reach out to their seniors.  Every employee will be responsible for the success of the company.

Although Deep implements two-way mutual respectful communications in his office, he is aware of the system in the public sector.  He wishes to address the officials by their name or designation.  However, he has to abide by the stereotypes to get his work done.

Deep affirms “an ego booster is different from paying genuine respect.”  Most people in authoritative positions are aware of their power.  Therefore, they demand respect, knowing that the hold the final call.  He shares that people have had problems with his informal dress code and communication methods.  Thus, he had to dilute his ways to get his projects accomplished smoothly.

Deep affirms “The root cause of corruption is misuse of power.”  He quotes Aristotle, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  Deep observes that the citizens should be aware of the law.  People need to understand that a government employee is entitled to do his job and cannot demand privileges in return.  When the citizens come together to challenge the system, unjust and false power can be reduced.

Deep asserts that the archaic cast system in India has filtered the consciousness of the mass to discriminate between professions.  The security personnel and service staff fear losing their jobs in this competitive environment.  Hence, they have to follow protocols such as saluting customers and addressing them as Sir or ‘Sahab’.

Deep reveals that he seldom developed a friendly equation with his teachers and professors.  The students in such a rigid structure are always afraid of asking questions and failed attempts.  They cannot form a comfortable bond.  Therefore, Deep indicates that fluid communication and understanding can result in better learning.

The fear of failure in childhood expands with adulthood.  Thus, people are afraid of challenging the wrong system.  Every individual is busy in the mad race of survival.  It forces us to undermine these underlying weaknesses in the society.  We are all afraid of being the odd one.  Therefore, we walk in a queue silently.

Deep firmly believes that in unity, there is strength.Hence, people of every stratus should support and give respect to each other to survive.  Making every section knowledgeable about their rights will decrease the fear of authority.  

Every individual needs to be cordial towards the other may it be an immediate subordinate or even a security guard of the building.  This way we can boost each other’s confidence.

In conclusion, Deep considers the Sir/Madam terminology as—an abuse of culture.  He adds, “Fear curates the ‘Sahab’ culture.  However, knowledge can instill the strength to eradicate such fear.”

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