Jyothi Pappu, Founder of Nutreat encourages the initiative of No Sir No Madam to make discrimination free India.  In 2012, while researching about her son’s food Jyothi came up with the idea of her company Nutreat.  Nutreat products are “handcrafted in a traditional way” to provide best nutrient-rich food for babies, kids, and small range of food for entire family without any empty calories.

Jyothi completed her post-graduation in pharmacy from Sri Ramchandra University, Chennai, in the field of pharmacy practice.  When Jyothi started her company, she got naturally accustomed to every employee addressing her by her name. 

She never felt that being addressed by her own name was demeaning in any way.  As Jyothi has interacted globally due to her business, she is well aware that the No Sir No Madam culture is prevalent worldwide.

Jyothi observes that government employees are offended when they are addressed by their name —” Somehow people have to bow in front of them.She has witnessed the same inhibition among the members of her many who are government officials.

As many members in her family were government employees. Jyothi has had first-hand experience on the subject.  According to Jyothi, people expect or force such culture to boost their own egos.  The citizens succumb to such forced culture for they fear the power of authority.

Jyothi asserts that she does not encourage any sort of discrimination at her workplace.  She understands that it is already difficult for introverted people to communicate, which is further heightened by such a hierarchy.

She creates an environment where everyone can converse easily and discuss proposals with her.  She never hesitates to take the ideas put forward by her employees.  She believes when every member puts in their 100% it can result in higher productivity.

In Jyothi’s experience, the Sir/Madam culture is more organic in urban regions than in rural areas.  People in rural regions usually refer to each other by their name or by calling them brother or sister in their regional language.  Therefore, eradication of the Sir/Madam taboo will reduce work discrimination in metropolitan cities.

Jyothi states that the No Sir No Madam culture should be introduced in schools and so that grass root implementation will enable our future generation a progressive growth.  She thinks it is easier for the younger generation to adapt to a new perspective.  Change in the educational system will automatically affect the norms of the society.

According to Jyothi, in a developing country like India, people are too comfortable with the conventional idea.  Once people become liberal and start accepting change things can change.  She implies that she does not agree with the custom of imitating out of compulsion even though — the respect is not within.

Jyothi considers the No Sir No Madam to be a great initiative.  She is hopeful that it can bring some positive changes in the society through further promotional work.  She accepts that the organization has brought her more clarity on the negative impacts of Sir/Madam culture.

Jyothi finishes with her belief that we should “Respect every single human being.”  She considers that we can only expect the country to develop when change occurs from within. Breaking the chains of our internal limitations and superiority complexes, as a nation we can advance from good to great.

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