Rumpa Das, the senior community manager at CoWrks enthusiastically seconds No Sir No Madam movement.  CoWrks is an expanse designed for individuals who like to tinker with ideas.  A co working space built for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, and even Fortune 500s.

Rumpa is an MBA from the renowned Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies.  She has bagged tremendous experience by working in various fields.  She has worked for the esteemed Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces and for The Royal Orchid.  After her tenure in the hotel industry, she went on to work for various private sector organizations.

Rumpa states — At CoWrks, they adhere to No Sir No Madam doctrine.  Moreover, she believes that every company should adopt first-name culture.  It inculcates a sense of belonging into employees. 

Additionally, it instills mutual respect between two people.  It enables juniors not to feel subordinate and provides them an equal level playing field in the professional arena.  For seniors, No Sir No Madam, allows them to be able to communicate with their apprentices and eradicate the hierarchical gap.  Thus, this abolishes workplace discrimination.

Rumpa shares her experience of working within the hotel industry.  She voices “When I was in the hospitality industry, it was mandatory for us to address our seniors with a salutation.  Especially, if an individual was highly experienced and affluent, we would have no option other than addressing him or her as ‘Sir/Madam’.  On the contrary, when I started working for private-sector companies, I had to switch to a salutation ridden workplace environment.

“I remember, in one of the companies, I addressed a senior as ‘Sir’ out of habit.  He was quick to correct me to refer him and others on a first-name basis.  I personally found an affinity towards no salutation order, as I too, felt respected while communicating with any senior.  In addition, in today’s social-media world, managers need to be well connected with their employees and peers.  No Sir No Madam permits executive to convene with their juniors by abolishing communication barriers.”

She also sheds light on the government offices, where ‘Sir/Madam’ diktat is very much prevalent.  Rumpa mentions — People in the government sector, especially the older individuals, still want to be addressed as ‘Sir/Madam’.  It is not entirely their fault, as they have been made to get accustomed to the salutation dictum all their life. 

However, with younger generation entering into public offices, one can hope that ‘Sir/Madam’ tradition will slowly be terminated from bureaucratic offices.

Furthermore, Rumpa acknowledges the injustice the blue-collar workers have to face in India.  People ungratefully undervalue the work of house helps, security guards, and other workers.  They too deserve equal respect for their efforts and making our lives easier. 

Rumpa narrates, “At CoWrks, we inform the petty job workers during their induction that everyone has to address them by their first-name.  We also make them memorize the name to let them ease into the process of referring people without a salutation.”

Rumpa believes that instilling No Sir No Madam habit into people would be easier, if younger generation is approached about this cause.  Subsequently, she suggests that schools should make No Sir No Madam thesis, a part of their syllabus.  Students get habituated to addressing seniors as ‘Sir/Madam’ and fail to understand the ill-effects of it.  Therefore, they will grow up to practice first-name convention if they are taught about it from the very beginning.

To spread this cause further, Rumpa recommends talking about No Sir No Madam on social media and events.  She also urges to take this cause and approach to corporate organizations to make the employees aware about it.  She concludes by quoting, “It is not a crime to address someone by their first-name.  It is a part of their identity.  Ergo, be bold in conversing with anyone and instill No Sir No Madam dogma in your life.”

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